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Wide smilin' _edited_edited_edited_edited.jpg


Rhoda Weber Mack writes long-form young adult fiction, short stories, flash, creative nonfiction and poetry as her way of unknotting and re-knotting complexity. Her short stories have been published in Epiphany, a BEST OF CARVE anthology, and CRONE RISING anthology of creative nonfiction. Currently she is on a slow-motion cross-country trek, following the irascible character who bikes in and out of her current YA projects.

Hello. Also, Introducing Myself.
The winder staircase to the eaved second floor of the old fieldstone homestead, built over a spring.
Flash fiction
My childhood began, it seems, in the twilight of the 18th Century, when Swiss Mennonite freeholders fled medieval torture and executions for the sanctuary of William Penn’s new American colony. But the long arc of my childhood began before that, with the invention of the printing press and the rediscovery of learning and independent thought in 15th C. Renaissance. It began with three Zurich University students who came to the radical idea that the individual is not an owned vassal of the feudal church-state, but a free critically-thinking adult, responsible for following one's own conscience. 

My childhood in Pennsylvania was rooted in a way of life that moved slowly parallel to the rush to modernity. We were outliers to the popular culture around us, and the fence lines kept out the changing world.
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But the fields of home were bounded by the unknown, and I was curious.

I asked for complexity, and I got it, full-blown and sandpaper subtle.


I rode the cusp of generational change in the late 20th C, and the world got a lot more complicated. A long trek through Middle Europe and Africa took me back to the beginnings of human history, and I fell through a hole in time. The unknowns, it turned out, were larger than the firmest of my assumptions. 

These days I lift the layers of certainty to 

find the clarity of contradictions. And I am seriously amused. 

The original stone dwelling on the family farm, with a narrow winder staircase and the aroma of smoked hams.

Telling the story, as it comes to me, gives me voice to interplay the nuances of our contradictory and shared stories. I excavate the archives, choosing the world-building stories for this peculiar time. The world we build for ourselves is construed of the stories we choose to tell--and to believe. gives me a place to talk about those other things that matter in the time-shift of our 21st century. It's a place for me to post broadsides free for the taking. Don't forget to click on Downloads and Shares; if you like it, pass it on. 


Say hi via the Contact page on your way out, and I'll send you the Curious Card with its four koans that Sofi passes out to the wrong/right person in my young adult novel THE THIN DOOR.  See how the koans resolve themselves for you. And come back for more. >>Bookmark this.

Timelines and Currents


Say hi on your way out, via the Contact form below direct to my email.  


I'll send you a preview of the curious card with its koan riddles from The Thin Door. See how the koans resolve themselves for you.


My email is iceforgepress at

Twitter @wordward 

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